When it seems you are being tossed around in the storms of life, grab onto the one Rock that will not be carved by the Earth's waters.
Deuteronomy 32:4 “He is the Rock, his works are perfect, and all his ways are just. A faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is he.”
When we come to grips with just how imperfect our world is, the human spirit is, and our human bodies are, it is then that the awesomeness of God’s perfection can be so clearly felt. This one verse has five phrases – each a golden nugget to cling to. “He is the Rock” – “The Hebrew word for "Rock" indicates firmness, stability, and faithfulness.”*
Despite the rollercoaster of life, God is unchanging. He provides the one thing we can always count on when circumstances are out of our control. Even when we get mad at the challenges life has dealt us or mad at God for allowing our precious loved ones to suffer from sickness, disability, or death, he remains faithful in his love for us.
“His works are perfect” – this world has standards; what we should look like, what we should wear, what we should be capable of doing, etc. God created each one of us, and his works are perfect, even if we are told they are not. When we first learned our baby had a heart defect, we were told it was extremely serious, and we could terminate the pregnancy. This life, according to the medical community, was not perfect and could be thrown away. But, Austin is God’s work and is therefore perfect. Don’t let the standards of this world cloud the perfection that God has created in each one of us.
“All his ways are just.”- life is unfair. Sometimes it seems that life is fairer to others than to us. When our spirits are downtrodden remember that although we may not see it, we can trust that God is a just God and ultimately his ways will be revealed.
The last sentence, “A faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is he” reaffirms the truths from the first sentence. God is ever-faithful, never-changing, always perfect, right and fair. We can trust in God. These qualities give us the confidence to believe in his ultimate good despite our current pain.
* http://bibletools.org/index.cfm/fuseaction/Topical.show/RTD/cgg/ID/695/Rock-as-Symbol.htm
Devotions can also be found under "The Important Stuff."