1) Our next door neighbor was extremely thoughtful and bought Fritos and bubbles and distributed them throughout the neighborhood for little boy #1 who has an extremely limited diet. For the first time in 8 Halloweens he enjoyed something, and everything, in his treat bucket. This momma's heart and her little boy were blessed. I can't say that if I were in my neighbor's shoes the thought to do this would have crossed my mind. I am continually humbled by the thoughtfulness and consideration of others. (With the increase in children with food allergies, here are a couple of considerations for next year: Tootsie Rolls (the big ones of course) are gluten-free, my three year old loves Play-Doh of any color, so I expect most kids 3 and under probably do too, and most kids 5 and under love bubbles...Play-Doh and bubbles don't cause cavities!)
2) After little boy #1 received his special bag of Fritos at one of the houses, the lady turned to little boy #2 and asked what he wanted. Faced with a humongous bowl of chocolate candy, his response was..."an apple." Considering he has the second biggest sweet tooth in the family, after mine, I was happily surprised and very amused.
3) Halloween was a community event. Thankfully our neighbors forewarned us, and 300+ pieces of candy later, our family not only had a fun evening but an eye-opening one too. Most of the trick-or-treaters did not live in the affluent neighborhoods around us but drove in from other parts of the city to trick or treat. Instead of handing out a piece of candy and hoping for a possible "thank you," it was obvious that the candy being handed out was not merely an extra treat to be enjoyed but, in many cases, it would provide nourishment in the weeks to come. Further, the evening was an escape from daily lives consumed with just trying to make ends meet and allowed for a couple of hours of care-free childhood. We were impressed by all of the parents who went to this extra effort for their children. We saw genuine thankfulness and refreshing politeness. We were served by our neighbors and we also had an opportunity to serve our community. My mind is already pondering ways to capitalize on this unique opportunity next year. If you have any ideas please share!
4) Since I have previously posted about cleaning up and cleaning out, I will confess that the genie costume (below) has been stuffed in a storage container for the past 13 years! Every once in awhile I contemplated getting rid of it, but since I only wore it once for a costume party in college, I was hoping it would eventually get more use. This year was the year, and out it came. After the evening was over, as I took it off I realized the top was disintegrating, literally from the inside out. I am thankful that I had a costume to wear Saturday night and a great excuse to finally throw it away on Sunday morning!