When I read this verse one evening, the image of my little boy, in all of his preciousness, and how he reaches up to hold my hand to walk somewhere, came to mind. My little boy mastered walking after the age of two. He wears orthotics on both feet because his ankles are weak due to low-tone and hemiplegia. Plus, learning to walk when you are two and a lot taller and heavier than your average one year old requires more balance and has made walking much more of a learned skill than a natural progression in development. When he his unsure of the surface or is feeling a little tired he reaches up his small hand to grab mine for reassurance, help, and confidence. I love these moments, and even though little boy #2 has no problems walking, and even loves to climb and jump, he, too, often reaches up his little hand to grasp mine. It makes him feel safe…it make me feel loved and needed!
God looks down on us in a similar way – full of love and tenderness. He is more than willing to reach out and grab our outstretched hand. He is even more able and eager to stretch His hand out to us, lift us up when we feel we can no longer stand on our own, walk every step of every journey with us, and carry us when we can not bear to go one more step alone. If you are in a fragile place, feeling as though you are walking at the edge of a cliff that may give way beneath you, grab God's outstretched hand and relish in His strength and safety. If you are walking on solid ground, praise Him for this moment in your life, and place your hand in His, secure in His love for you.