We don't watch many holiday movies at our house. I would watch all of the classic Christmas movies, but my hubby has never shown much interest. The littlest boy will pretty much watch anything and loves trains, so I have high hopes for the Polar Express this year. The older boy is beginning to have better attention for some things that aren't 100% his choice, so hopefully before the season is over, we will have one family movie night.
A week ago, my husband and I did watch a movie that I would recommend to everyone, even if you don't celebrate Christmas, but live in this wonderful country. It has a one, two, three punch incorporating the sacrifices those who serve(d) our country in the military and their families, the dangers we currently face in this country regarding losing the very freedoms this country was fought for and founded on, and tops it off by incorporating the holiday season.
I must say that it is a Christian film, and for those of you who have watched some of these smaller projects that aren't grossing $24 million on opening weekend, the acting isn't always A-list. Further, there is an undeniable theme/message. However, if you see it through only one lens, that only means that you are only looking through one lens. As with most things produced in media today, it is important to keep the brain engaged while listening, watching, or reading anything. Don't let your preconceived opinions allow you to miss many of the points that are made, Christian or not, celebrator of Christmas or not; many apply to every one who lives in this country.
We watched it on Netflix - an instant download. Once again, I am not claiming this is the next Blockbuster holiday movie. However, if you don't want a cheesy romantic holiday movie (I watched one last week…no judgment here!), a classic, or a kid's movie (though I would say it is age appropriate for middle school and up), you might find it worth a couple of hours on a weekend evening.