Esther 4:14 “For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father's family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?"
Isn't it amazing to think that we were born specifically who we are, where we were, and at this precise time for a specific reason? Our lives aren't happenstance. This does not mean that we aren't in control of our lives or our decisions though. We each still choose how we live this life that is given to us.
God places each of us where we are and calls us to a task. Like Esther, we all have the free will to choose how we respond. Although at times, it may be difficult to see the choices that we can own, each day there are choices to be made: optimism and perseverance over depression or defeat, trust and faithfulness instead of anger or a lack of faith in God.
These choices can be a daily struggle, even an hourly fight, when bad news keeps coming our way or circumstances seem hopeless. For those of us with sick children or loved ones, test results constantly yielding bad news or hospital monitors that continue to beep warning of numbers we don't want to see make us feel out of control or without options. It is in these moments we need to heed our call and obey. We may unknowingly be a silent witness to the nurse watching over our child or the next door neighbor who doesn’t know God’s love. Our hopeful demeanor when hope does not abound, joy in spite of pain, or action that defies this world's logic but follows God's voice all move us toward fulfilling the position which God has created us specifically to fill. We may not ever be known as a superhero, but whatever our calling, it will have a powerful part to play in God's plan.