1) Pray for their personal and professional success, specifically that God will protect them, bless their families, help them face the challenges of their duty, give them favor in battle, and help them have victory. Success to an office worker usually means promotion or a raise. Success for a soldier often means life or death.
2) Pray for the spiritual maturity of our military members. Strong faith in God and trust in Him to endure the challenges they face is paramount on the battlefield and back home.
3) Pray the Bible as a warrior with authority - meaning use Scripture itself to meet God in prayer and to battle for your loved ones and your military.
To to read the article in depth click on: http://m.lifeway.com/Article/how-to-pray-for-our-military-and-their-families?emid=arich-nourish-article-20170528&ecid=PDM35255&bid=844796007