I have always kind of preferred the snow to the rain for a number of reasons, but I also try to keep a few things in mind about the rain - especially having little people who love to play in the rain:
1) I have a dryer - playing in the rain makes a dreary day an opportunity to splash in the puddles.
2) I remember playing in the rain in my driveway with the cutest little umbrella when I was a little girl. I remember giving up the pretense of perfect hair and make-up and walking in the rain and beholding a beautiful rainbow when I was a teenager. I equate both with the freedom of letting go - it is good as an adult to let go every once in awhile.
3) A couple of my favorite quotes:
"Everybody wants happiness, nobody wants pain, but you can’t have a rainbow without a little rain." Unknown
So, if it is rainy in your neck of the woods, seize the opportunity to make it more than just a wet day and remember (easier to do in the spring time!) that God often uses the rain to bring beautiful flowers both from the earth and in our lives!
Tastē Thursday on tap for tomorrow since I didn't get to it yesterday~