When my first little man was young, my sister shared with me some of the most profound advice I have ever received as a mom. It went something like this: "enjoy the current stage your child is in; don't look toward the future when you can do this or that or think that things will be easier because they are older; each stage brings its own challenges and the time passes oh so quickly." I have taken these words to heart, and they have probably saved me from wishing away some of my most precious moments with my children. Similar to the adage that the grass is greener on the other side, we can apply this profound advice to many areas of our lives. The future holds different circumstances, but that doesn't mean current hardships are replaced by a life of ease. The hardships just look different, and the rays of sun peak through into different areas of the darkness.
Many people talk about seasons in terms of "happy seasons," "seasons of loss or mourning," or "difficult seasons." As a mom of young children, I view seasons more as a period of time that is both happy and sad, frustrating and completely fulfilling. My current season consists of poop...on shorts that is now on my shirt because I didn't know it was on the shorts when I picked up one of my littler men, calmness and complete trust in the blue eyes of my newborn, fevers caused by countless germs that just invaded my house by way of 100 of #2's new kindergarten classmates, little shark feet peeking underneath a swaddle, an interrupted night's rest...x6 (why am I at the computer and not crashed on my pillow?!), a quiet house with three little people fast asleep in their beds and one in my arms!
No season is perfect, but we each have the choice to see the beauty in each season and grow from the challenges that are inevitable.
"What a caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly."
- Richard Bach