John 8:32 "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."
When little boy #1 was a babe, our truth was God could keep him alive or God could take him home. We thought about his future, quality of life, if and how much care he would need as he grew up, and the potential for him to be independent one day, but those concerns were peripheral to day to day life and his survival.
As he has gotten older, and we are dealing with more questions about what he understands and how much of this world he can absorb and process, I find myself often feeling that if we could just KNOW we could parent him so much better. I want to know the truth - when he ignores me, is it because he is testing boundaries, being defiant, being seven, or sometimes does he truly not understand the request, rule…I gave him. It is amazing how children can seem beyond their years in brilliance and behind the power curve in a matter of mere minutes. In our case, we have no normal range to reference, so when one day it seems that he is able and competent to listen and comprehend us and the next day is the complete opposite, we struggle between whether to discipline or concede that he may not have correctly processed the situation or even have the ability to do so. Much of parenting, whether you have typical or special needs kiddos, feels like a learning experience with a blindfold on. Sometimes we may not know which direction is forward much less have a perfect understanding of how to determine which advice, professional opinions, etc. are the correct and true ones to follow.
Similarly, all of today's books, social media, and research studies can make finding and following the truth an overwhelming and circular chase. We are bound in so many ways if we are trapped in deceipt or ignorant o f the truth. We feel these heavy chains that hold us down, restrict our freedom, and keep our joy buried. Are you searching for the truth? Have you appeared to find it only to discover that you are searching again? At some point in our lives, we will all face the reality of what truth we followed. Will you find yourself coming up empty after following that which the world offered or rest in the fullness that comes with following the Living truth?, through His infallible Word, offers the truth, and promises these chains will be broken if we accept this truth. Imagine raising your kids, maybe not with all of the answers, but knowing how to handle the most important decisions and which lessons would give them the best chance of a successful and joyful life. How much better to live our lives free to soar instead of tethered to this Earth with all of its misery and uncertainty. John 17:17 says "Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth." 2 TImothy 3:16 says "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness." Find your freedom!