In honor of Thanksgiving, I thought I would write my top ten things I am thankful for…
1) The Unknown - it keeps life exciting!
2) Our ability as humans to change (often only with God's help)
3) My ability to be physically active
4) The intricate beauty of this Earth; sunrises, sunsets, the seasons, mountain peaks, lush green valleys..
5) My friends: "Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art... It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to survival." C.S. Lewis
6) My husband's stable job and the physical comforts it provides
7) My health - never to be taken for granted!
8) My freedom - to think, to worship, to express myself
9) My family - "Home is people, not a place."
10) God's Grace & Mercy - to receive what I don't deserve and not receive what I do deserve
If the holiday is more hectic than desired…"Keep Calm & Gobble On!"
I hope you and yours have a wonderful Thanksgiving and that you lose count when recalling the blessings you have received this year!