Wow! When he wrote these powerful words, Paul provided such a strong testimony of ultimate faith and trust in God even in the midst of extreme hardship. Many times I have asked God to take this health burden my baby (now seven year old) suffers from away from him…and away from us. I believe that although it would be an unheard of medical mystery and miracle, God can perform such healing. I also believe that we must ask in order to receive (1 John 5:14-15). So far God has told me no. Thankfully, this no always has a caveat; the fact that God is glorified in our situation, even if it is one we would not choose. And in that I find the strength to meet each new sunrise, fight another battle, and continue to pray for my son’s life and the grace to meet the challenge it poses with joy.
We are all a work in progress. One day I hope that I can, with 100% honesty, pray as the band Mercy Me sings, “And I know there'll be days when this life brings me pain, but if that's what it takes to praise You Jesus, bring the rain.” In the meantime, I rejoice in how far God has brought me in finding joy in all circumstances and look forward to further growth in Him. I have always found that he gives me just enough of His strength to make it through my day. If you find yourself more downtrodden than strengthened by the difficulties in this life, remember God’s strength will overcome all of this Earth’s weakness. Grab onto his words as a you would a life preserver when the ship beneath you is sinking and hold on for dear life. God may not keep the ship from sinking, but he will make sure you survive the storm!