In this passage, David writes in awe of God's elaborate and specific attention to his life and person. It is a beautiful affirmation of our Creator's love for us and intricate involvement in each of our lives. You can't look at a baby without being in awe of the miracle of life. Our minds and our bodies are nothing short of spectacular. In a few short lines, the Psalmist writes truths for each of us to cling to.
1) We are specifically & purposefully made. Who we are, what we look like, our interests and passions are no accident or mere happenstance.
2) God sovereignly ordains life prior to conception. Doesn't that make you feel special? No matter what society tells you, I can guarantee you that you were thought of before you even existed. You are here on purpose and for a purpose!
3) Despite being around for over 2,000 years, we have a limited understanding of human life. Today's treatment of cancer, premature births, congenital heart defects, etc. are amazing. However, if you have spent much time in the hospital with someone who suffers from a complex medical condition, it is readily apparent that our medicine, though based in science, is an art, and a very imperfect one! The limited mind of man reflects the vastly infinite mind of God!
If you feel weighed down by comparison with those around you or just feel the weight of imperfection, know that God made you intentionally, and you are exactly who you are supposed to be.